Testimonies from Redeem Conference

Testimonies from Redeem Conference

“Words are not adequate enough to explain all the feelings that I was experiencing during the Redeem Women’s Conference. In the midst of tears, there was also great joy and a renewed sense of hope. I felt like God gave me a glimpse of His heart for His beloved daughters and my heart just wanted to explode because of the overwhelming love that He has for each one of them. I want my sisters to hold on tightly to the Truth that God spoke into your lives that weekend. Remember who He says you are. It’s funny how God works. I said yes to this conference because I wanted my sisters to know His heart for them but I also walked away with the reminder of God’s heart for me. My heart is full! I am so humbled and honored to have been part of His Kingdom work.” – Eugenia Ko “I knew so little about my own shame and how much control it had over my faith. After hearing testimonies from the Bible as well as other young women, I learned that my shame had built walls from accepting the Lord’s love for me. Knowing and establishing my identity as a daughter of Christ, brings hope and freedom, and everyday I must fight to choose to live in that freedom because hope does not put us to shame.” – Ellen K. “I honestly didn’t know what to expect when going into the women’s conference. But, what God shows me again and again is that even though we may never know what He has planned for us, He does all things...