Testimonies from Redeem Conference

Testimonies from Redeem Conference

“Words are not adequate enough to explain all the feelings that I was experiencing during the Redeem Women’s Conference. In the midst of tears, there was also great joy and a renewed sense of hope. I felt like God gave me a glimpse of His heart for His beloved daughters and my heart just wanted to explode because of the overwhelming love that He has for each one of them. I want my sisters to hold on tightly to the Truth that God spoke into your lives that weekend. Remember who He says you are. It’s funny how God works. I said yes to this conference because I wanted my sisters to know His heart for them but I also walked away with the reminder of God’s heart for me. My heart is full! I am so humbled and honored to have been part of His Kingdom work.” – Eugenia Ko

“I knew so little about my own shame and how much control it had over my faith. After hearing testimonies from the Bible as well as other young women, I learned that my shame had built walls from accepting the Lord’s love for me. Knowing and establishing my identity as a daughter of Christ, brings hope and freedom, and everyday I must fight to choose to live in that freedom because hope does not put us to shame.” – Ellen K.

“I honestly didn’t know what to expect when going into the women’s conference. But, what God shows me again and again is that even though we may never know what He has planned for us, He does all things for our good. Right from the beginning, the word “cleansed” was on my mind and heart. And that’s what God showed me. All of the women I met at the conference are unique and beautiful in our Father’s eyes. Although we’ve all been through our own trials and hardships, we are all cleansed with the blood of Christ. At the conference, God reminded me of the depth of Christ’s work on the cross. And that no matter what we think of ourselves, God now sees us as pure and cleansed, only by the work of Jesus Christ. It was humbling and so wonderful to worship and praise our Father with my fellow sisters!”Hannah L.

“The young women’s conference was powerful and I’m so thankful to have been a part of it! It was encouraging for me to see how many women were hungry for more of our Abba .. to know Him more. So many of us came from different backgrounds, hurts, life-experiences, and age groups; but we all wanted to worship, praise, thank, adore, and love the one true God. As I witnessed women standing up to take ownership of their faith, being loved by the Father, and overcoming past lies and fears that were embedded into their hearts — I was reminded of how powerful our God is, how nothing and no one’s life is wasted, and even in the stillness (or busyness) of our lives .. He is still there, working in us and refining us !! God is moving, He is stirring, and the best part is: He isn’t done!!” – Esther K.

“I feel so blessed to have attended the Pursuit women’s conference. God told me that I no longer needed to hide in my shame and insecurities, that I no longer needed to try to earn His grace. I only needed to open my heart to fully receive from the Father who loved me and made me whole.”Julie Y.

“We walked in unsure, hurt, and longing, but left renewed, hopeful, and most of all, loved. Praise be to God and bless the wonderful speakers. Truly there is no condemnation in the Father’s eyes of being a woman, but rather, pure delight.”Nikki Y.

“My lie: I am too inadequate and undeserving to speak encouragement or inspiration to young women who are trying to love and follow Jesus.  His truth: The Lord wrote my story the way He did for a specific, loving reason, and if He wants me to tell it, then darn it, I better let Him because it’s going to be FUN!  Our mission together: Pay the Kingdom of Light FORWARD so that more and more daughters of the King may know that they are REDEEMED.  Thank you, Father, for a weekend of freedom, empowerment and affirmation for all of us, Your beloved daughters.”Catherine Cha

“For me, speaking at Pursuit Women’s Conference was an act of faith. A step of courage. A breakthrough moment… An act of faith because I needed to trust that God was going to take my messy story and make something of it that only HE can and have it somehow resonate with the women… It took a step of courage because to reveal the ugly would take just that… and a breakthrough moment because as I came face to face with lies that dared to shake me from what I’d been called to do, I faced them head on, and reveled in the sense of victory that only Christ can give. And I saw the same with the women who came – they came with faith that they would somehow meet God (although not knowing exactly what to expect of the weekend)… They took steps of courage to open themselves up to what the Holy Spirit was doing as they allowed themselves to be beautifully vulnerable before Him and to one another… and there were breakthrough moments that were seen, shared and celebrated, and those in which only Heaven will ever know… all of it profoundly powerful! It was an honor and privilege to be part of such an incredible weekend with incredible women… Pursue on, Redeemed Women of Worth, Courage, Valor and Beauty!… there is more to come!” – Michelle Park

“Redeem was like an extended devotional time with God for me, the testimonies and truths proclaimed through the speakers (and participants!) were a powerful reminder of the need for the Spirit of God to work in and through community. I’m not done yet, but the weekend launched me into new territories with my walk with God, specifically in conquering fears and trusting in Him more. I’m excited for what is to come!” Hilary S.

“Leading up to this conference, I was plagued with a lot of insecurity and confusion. A part of me was reluctant to go but another part desperately needed this conference. To my joy, this super short, extremely sweet, and revolutionary weekend rejuvenated me.

This conference was a place of intimacy with God and His daughters. Praise was sweet with the gentle yet powerful voices of sisters from different places and different walks of life coming and praising God together. I was flooded by His grace, His love and His faithfulness. We heard testimonies and stories about WOMEN OF FAITH in the Bible, like Leah and Rahab. It was a redeeming time of claiming our originally intended identity as God’s beloved daughters. The great and uncomfortable thing about this conference is that we were had to address and confront the lies that seemed imbedded in our minds and hearts.

During the final session, we had a time of sharing. Michelle and Cathy, the AMAZING speakers at the conference, opened up the floor for the girls to go up, share what their “name” used to be and the new name that God gave them. It was awkward and slow at first but God moved and gave so much courage to all the girls to go up there and share their innermost sensitive and painful insecurities and claim victory through the new names God gave us. A lot of tears were shed. We cried with sisters whom we never met, whose names we didn’t even know. The Father’s love was revealed to us. I saw His faithfulness. I saw God moving in our hearts. Chains were broken that weekend. Daughters were redeemed and empowered.

I am thankful for the breakthroughs. I am thankful for the testimonies. I am thankful for the power and true purpose He’s given us.

I was ashamed of my insecurities. I felt like Leah; I felt overlooked, unloved, unwanted, and unworthy of true love. Even though I knew that there was no greater act of love than the cross, I lived with a fear of being abandoned and replaced. I longed to be desired, understood, and loved like a husband loves his bride. While I sat in the pews wondering what my “new name” was, God told me, “LOOK AT ME… You are my bride and I love you more than you can ever imagine.” So, that’s what I am doing. I am looking to Him and I will keep looking to Him and place all my hope in Him.

Romans 5:5 “And HOPE does not put us to shame, because God’s LOVE has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Thank you PURSUIT NYC, Pastor Sam, and all those who prayed over this conference! And praise God for doing what He does best!” – Kristin S.




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