The Story isn’t Over

The Story isn’t Over

It had been seven long, grueling seasons in the NBA. Though this player was known for his abilities and athleticism, it had yet to have translated into a championship. He endured a serious injury early on in his career that made him miss practically a whole season. And lately many wondered if he could hold up physically from taking such a beating on the basketball court. There seemed to be a ceiling of how far he could lead his team. Critics and fans alike started to question him as a player. As a leader. Was he too selfish? Did he have what it takes? Can he actually get the job done?

Now the athlete we are talking about is Michael Jordan, who many consider to be the GOAT (greatest of all time). Once his NBA playing days were all said and done, he would have won six championships as well as numerous other feats that would set him apart as an iconic figure in not only sports but pop culture. Yet if we judged him only halfway through his career, it would not capture the fullness of his legacy and greatness that was to come.

michael jordan

The truth is God is not finished with you yet. The Bible says that He is the Author and Perfecter of our faiths (Hebrews 12:2). The good work He started in you, He will complete (Philippians 1:6)! Yet as human beings bound by time, it is hard for us to see beyond our past and our present circumstances. We wonder if the promises God has for us will ever come to pass. We think that because it hasn’t happened by now, it probably will never happen. But don’t be too quick to write an ending to a story God hasn’t finished yet.

In Exodus we are introduced to one of the greatest leaders ever in Moses. Yet it took him 80 years before he finally stepped into his calling as deliverer of the people of God. If you look at his life, you can tell that he was set apart. He grew up privileged in Pharaoh’s home, yet when he tried to make things happen in his own strength and on his own terms, he soon became an outcast. If we stopped the story in that moment, Moses would have been a failure. Another guy who had tons of potential, but couldn’t capitalize. Can you imagine what the critics and haters were saying about him now in Egypt?

“If only I had grown up in Pharaoh’s home instead of him…”

“You hear about Moses? Heard he ran away. What a shame. What a waste!”

“Whatever happened to that Moses guy? If I had his resources and connections, our people would be free by now.”

“It’s been forty years since that guy disappeared. I wonder if we’ll ever see him again.”


But the amazing thing is, God was just getting started. The length of preparation is always in proportion to the depth of purpose. The greater the destination, the longer the gestation. If God was going to use Moses to set the Israelites free, it required a deep process. Only 80 years of Moses’ development could handle the responsibility to set a people free after 400+ years. Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it will never happen. And it will happen in ways you can’t even fathom! Lean into Him. The Author is crafting and writing His masterpiece! He is working in you so He can work through you.

The length of preparation is always in proportion to the depth of purpose. Click To Tweet

It can be difficult when we are in between the promise and the fulfillment. But God knows how to navigate us through the challenges and circumstances of life. Stay faithful. Stay steadfast. Stay the course. Don’t judge the Author based on your current chapter of the story. The story isn’t over! The story is still being written and He isn’t done with you yet! Amen.

