An Impossible Call

An Impossible Call

One of the common threads you see in the calling of God is that it’s impossible. Not “impossible” as in a figure of speech like “it’s really, really hard, but it can still be done”, but literally impossible. How can an exiled murderer lead a people who have been enslaved for four centuries through a sea into the Promised Land? How can a young shepherd boy turned fugitive on the run become king? How can an unmarried, virgin girl give birth to the Son of God? Impossible! But God called them to it. That should tell us that God isn’t interested in calling people who can do what He asks, but those who are available and will “yes” no matter the cost. The old adage is that God doesn’t call the qualified, but rather He qualifies the called. God will always call you beyond what you’re qualified for and what you can do in the natural. Not so you can strive and perform and qualify yourself, but to make you seek the supernatural God. God doesn't call the qualified, but qualifies those He calls. Click To Tweet God gives you an impossible call because that’s what drives us to our knees. Our natural can never fulfill a supernatural call. Since it’s supernatural, it demands intervention and involvement of a supernatural God. Thankfully His Word says that nothing is impossible for Him! (Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37) He gives us an impossible call so that He can do the impossible on our behalf. God doesn’t call us because He needs a task to be done, but rather because He wants to...