Our Finest Hour

Our Finest Hour

How can we expect our nation to be united when our churches aren’t united? It starts with us. It starts with me.

I believe now is the time when the Joseph’s, Daniel’s, and Esther’s of the world will take their rightful place in history. No longer will you be able to tell who is a follower of Christ by their behavior, who they voted for, how they talk, how they look, etc., but only by the fruit of their lives.

Only those who know how to be innocent as doves and shrewd as serpents will be able to shape culture and shift nations. All of creation is groaning for the revealing of sons and daughters (Romans 8:19). Now is the time for us to be who God calls us to be. Will it be challenging? Costly? Of course, but nothing has been more toxic to the Church than comfort. It’s then an invitation to rely fully on our Comforter, the Holy Spirit to navigate these times.

May we be people of tremendous, supernatural hope for it is rooted in our identity in God and our citizenship in Heaven. Those who have the most hope always have the most influence. Carry hope. Be hope. Be Jesus with skin on. Make a difference! Make an impact! It’s our birthright as children of God.

This is the finest hour of the Church. Time to arise and shine. Time to be salt and light. In darkness, light shines brightest. Not to show off, but so that others can simply see in dark places. Jesus is coming back for a body that is in proportion to her Head (which is Him!).

Fearful of nothing. Anxious of nothing. The time has come: our finest hour!

Let us unite. Let us pray. When the Church unites in prayer, she is unstoppable! When the people of God join together in prayer, all of hell trembles, the earth changes, and Heaven responds. I implore you to come join us in NYC to seek God and contend for revival together on September 12-14.

Visit http://pursuitnyc.org/conference for more information!

