Pursuit NYC's Core Values

Core values are the principles, standards, and virtues at the center of the way we live, love, and think.  Our core values are the prophets of our destiny.  They dictate what we allow ourselves to desire and they decide what is critical to accomplish in our lives.

Kris Vallotton (Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle)


  • Because GOD IS GOOD, we dream.
  • Because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, we risk.
  • Because EVERYONE IS SIGNIFICANT, we serve.

(Core Beliefs adapted from Bethel Church & Bill Johnson)




We seek & pursue intimacy with God and with others.  The Greatest Commandment is to love God, and the second is to love others.  Everything we do and everything we are flows out of our relationship with God.  We desire to walk intimately with God and in community with others.


Everything we do, we do it out of our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High. We believe sonship leads all other “ships” (leadership, relationship, etc.).


We approach our relationship with God and with others in integrity.  No one will ever claim that they are perfect, but we desire to be people who can say they are authentic.  As we follow Jesus, we choose to live a life of character and integrity over and over again.


We need an encounter with the Holy Spirit and a filling of His presence to go and live the life that Christ calls us to live.  We have been saved for good works, and impartation is what allows us to faithfully accomplish His assignment.  We seek to encourage, equip, and empower the saints for works of service.


The Great Commission was not to build a ministry or grow the church’s attendance.  Rather it was to make disciples of all nations.  There is no discipleship without intentionally investing in relationships.  Jesus opened His life up to the Twelve and invested in them as well as others for over three years.  They carried that forward by investing in others who would continually pour themselves out for others.


We embrace creativity and partner with culture to be pioneers in all things related to the Kingdom.  It is a call to be “in” but not “of” the world.  With all innovations, this requires faith-filled risk.  We want to be a people who are willing to question the status quo and courageously go where no one has gone before.


Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are ambassadors of Christ.  We are Jesus with skin on.  We want to represent our Lord in all things so that He may be glorified in us.


We believe that every single person has been created in the image of God.  As a result we honor all people, whether they are like us or of different beliefs and lifestyles.  Also as image bearers ourselves, we continually partner with God to become more and more like the One whose image we’ve been made.


We were created to make a difference and an impact wherever we go.  Whether it is the work place, school campus, or the home, we all have a part to play in the story of God.  We have been called and designed to be agents of change and catalysts for revival in this life.