We are a ministry CONTENDING for REVIVAL in the NYC Metro Area.

Recent Blog Posts from Pursuit NYC

The 3 C’s of Our Core

It’s been said numerous times that teamwork makes the dream work. God will never give you a dream that doesn’t involve people. A dream that you can accomplish on your own is too small and not worth attempting. But it’s a big dream that requires all hands on deck. I love what Pastor Brian Houston says about the global movement that is taking place through his church. He says that Hillsong Church isn’t built on the gifts of the few, but on the sacrifice of the many. Wow! That’s exactly what a team is about. Ever since we officially established our Core Leadership Team, we’ve seen a giant leap take place in our growth. That’s the amazing thing about working as a team. The fruit and effectiveness doesn’t grow by addition, but by multiplication. So does the effort. It’s been a joy and journey learning how to function and operate as a team. If I’m honest though, working as a team isn’t my natural preference. Whenever there were school assignments, I was that one student who always preferred working alone because group projects required extra work. Now working as a team does demand more, but I’m learning that it’s worth it. Even God Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work as a team. When He first created Adam, He chose to partner with Him to name the animals. If anyone could work alone, it’s God, but He Himself values teamwork and partnership. Apostle Paul writes that you and I are co-laborers with Christ (1 Corinthians 3:9). As the director of our ministry, I’m learning how to create a... read more

How Not to Lead

An insecure leader is one of the most destructive forces in the world. Out of their own fears and hurts, they harm those around them. I know from experience by serving under one. It was a difficult season, yet one where I learned so much. Some of the greatest leadership lessons I’ve learned were during this time, and the most profound lesson that I learned was how not to lead.  No matter what capacity of leadership you might be in, here is how not to lead. LEADING FOR APPROVAL Every single person was created for approval and affirmation from God and from others. Yet if we are not secure in who we are and approved by the Lord first, we will soon abuse our position to gain praise from people. We can’t effectively lead those who we desperately need to like us, because we are actually following their opinions rather than the voice of the Lord. As a leader, you will have to make the right decisions even if it’s difficult and unpopular.  If Moses was leading for approval, he would have led the Israelites back to Egypt the moment they complained. He wasn’t leading for approval, but as a man appointed by God. Only then can you faithfully honor God and serve your people. LEADING WITH AN AGENDA During that time of my life under an insecure leader, I was asked to do things that honestly didn’t make sense. It didn’t align with our purpose as a ministry, and it was proving to be ineffective as well. When I asked the leader why we were doing it this... read more


by Koob Vang   “Wilderness” is a word we often use to denote rough seasons in our lives. It’s sometimes a journey of loss and sorrow, and other times, a journey that’s weird and confusing. We find ourselves in agonizing pain and excruciating heartbreaks navigating through an endless tunnel. Something God has been really teaching me through the wilderness is to value the intimacy and the life that can only come while being in the wilderness. I’ve been overseas for over a year now and some days, it’s been a wilderness. There are only a few people I can fully express myself to. I’m limited by the language barrier. I can’t simply go down the street and buy something without struggling. I can’t pay my own bills without depending on others. And I can’t find any clothes that comfortably fits me (but this is totally my fault being American-sized). I wish there are times where I can just drop everything, be a student again, and take a summer vacation back to my parents’ place. But that’s not reality; I have to face the wilderness I’m in. There are two sides to the wilderness though. One that takes life away and the other that brings life. The Bible speaks of the wilderness as a place that is mostly dry, barren and filled with roaming wild animals. The prophet Jeremiah calls it “a land of desert and pits…drought and deep darkness…that none passes through, where no man dwells”. It is also called “arabah”, which may be translated to desert, wasteland, or pain. A few years ago I went to Israel and... read more

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