We are a ministry CONTENDING for REVIVAL in the NYC Metro Area.
Recent Blog Posts from Pursuit NYC
Where Can I Meet with God?
When I first became a Christian the Word of God became the Living Word (Heb 4:12-13). There is no other way to explain it than God’s Word became words of life. Every time I opened the Bible, the words would jump off the pages and stirred a fire in my heart (Jer 20: 9, Lk 24:32). I had never experienced anything like that before. In fact, I had to stop reading the Bible a few hours before I slept because it would keep me up all night. My heart would be so convicted and filled with wonder that it would keep me up for hours. The stories of the Bible would replay over and over in my mind, and my heart would burn with so much passion that I had to pray, “God, please help me sleep! I need to sleep to go to school, so please shut my mind off!” So after a few months, I learned that I had to read the Bible earlier in the day so I could get some sleep at night. Sometimes during school, I couldn’t wait until class would end so that I could run home to open the Bible and meet with God. That was it. I realize now what made reading God’s Word so intimate, powerful and life changing was that I read God’s Word to meet with Him. Not to know more about Him or to gain more knowledge to teach others, but literally to meet with Him. What made reading God’s Word so intimate was that I read to meet with Him Click To Tweet I wasn’t reading... read moreGoing to Japan
“By faith Abraham … obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” — Hebrews 11:8 I want to be a man of faith. There are plenty of moments where I wrestle with doubt, unbelief, and wondering how much smaller my faith is than a mustard seed, but at the end of the day, I still want to be a man of faith. In February I will be flying out to Japan in complete faith. For the past several months, God had been highlighting the nation of Japan through the strangest of ways (you can listen to the full story in a recent podcast!). Ultimately it came to a point where I could no longer ignore these “coincidences”, so I said “yes” to whatever God wants. I believe God has something there for me personally, but even more so for what is to come. For Pursuit NYC, for our region, and beyond. But at the end of the day, I feel as though God wanted me to go for no other reason than to go in obedience and faith. I will be flying on February 2nd with my best friend, Sam Lee, and will be returning February 18th. We will be in Tokyo then Nagoya together before flying to Korea, where I will spend my last few days visiting friends and family. I am not sure what to expect, but believe God will lead as He has up until now. I have no real agenda or need to achieve or accomplish, but am going in faith believing God is asking for simple childlike trust. I... read moreThe Wind, the Earthquake, the Fire and the Whisper
When I first started pursuing God I thought I would find Him in a big event. I started my journey with God about 12 years ago at the ripe age of 16. Since I was an atheist up until that point in my life (and didn’t have a satisfactory encounter with God up until then), I figured that God is probably somewhere out there and I have to find Him. I felt a need to put forth a good deal of effort in order to find Him and figured that encountering God would probably happen in some big way: some big ministry event/conference, some big missions movement, and something emotionally or intellectually stirring. I read dozens of books of philosophy and theology, attended every Christian conference I found, prayed between 1-3 hours a day, and participated in outreaches on the streets. A 2 month short term-missions trip in Cambodia during 2013 topped off my collection of encounters with God. In Cambodia, we witnessed people who had never heard of the name of Jesus encounter God through supernatural healing, dreams and visions. We witnessed a prison of 200 prisoners turn itself into a church as each prisoner encountered God, was baptized in the prison, and started a bible study in every prison cell. After a series of adventures, I realize that while God may have been a part of those big events He wasn’t in them. As I take a minute to reflect on life and dream of what may be ahead, I find that I’m not looking for my next missions trip, ministry opportunity, outreach or power encounter. I... read moreSow into Pursuit NYC & Partner With Us for Revival
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