Sunday Night Soak

Sunday Night Soak

Koob Vang – “On Sunday night we are launching a worship time called Sunday Night Soak. Our HOPE is to open space and minister to God. We believe that when we attend to God, it allows us to step aside and give room for Him to move. Our goal is to simply bask in the presence of the Lord and wait upon him. Ministry is rough, hard, and sometimes very lonely. We’ve dedicated a safe place for ministers to be ministered. We believe as we cultivate revival in the Tri-state area, we as ministry leaders must be nurtured in God’s presence. We emphasize on ‘sabbath’: knowing that we need rest because only God can fulfill everything, ‘selah’: we need to simply soak and respond, and ‘shalom’: only through Christ we receive peace and wholeness.” — Samuel Cho – “Sunday night is unique time. You come back from church and somehow you are completely tired. You realize that the weekend is over and the long week is about to start. We already served the “Christian” duty at church in the day, and now all we can think of is the “real” life. It is the cycle of life and it always has been. What I want to pursue in this SNS is to change that. Sunday is the day of restoration and time of spiritual recharge. But many times at the end of Sunday, we are drained and emotionally tired. Can we have time just to soak in God’s presence? Just to sit down with God and rest. With worship without agenda and settings. Do whatever God makes us to do,...
Too Busy to Live

Too Busy to Live

This year is looking full already… more speaking engagements and seminars… lots more personal as well as professional challenges and areas of growth that already stretch into December. It’s exciting for sure, but I can also feel myself almost (almost) going to that place of feeling overwhelmed, mostly because I don’t want to fall into the “busy” trap. Been there. Done that. And it was really. Ugly. In fact, the word actually causes me to have a visceral, physical reaction that makes me cringe and grit my teeth. And I’ve resolved that when someone asks me how I’ve been, to not answer “busy.” Let me explain… “Busy” took a toll on me physically, emotionally, spiritually & mentally. It took the last half of 2014 to just BEGIN to undo the gordian knot of at least 6 years worth of just being “busy” all the time. 6 years ago was when I had begun my MA in Marriage and Family Therapy. We were also two years into developing our church plant and I had given birth to our second daughter somewhere in the midst of all that. (Ironically, these years were also one of the most self-reflective and life changing years of my life) BUT… Busy became my “thing” and I had happily embraced it in the beginning because if I’m honest, it made me feel important. I wore it like a badge and it was how I derived a big sense of my identity: Busy with school, busy with work, busy being a wife, a mom to two young children, a church planter’s wife, a therapist… busy meeting with...