An Impossible Call

An Impossible Call

One of the common threads you see in the calling of God is that it’s impossible. Not “impossible” as in a figure of speech like “it’s really, really hard, but it can still be done”, but literally impossible. How can an exiled murderer lead a people who have been enslaved for four centuries through a sea into the Promised Land? How can a young shepherd boy turned fugitive on the run become king? How can an unmarried, virgin girl give birth to the Son of God? Impossible! But God called them to it. That should tell us that God isn’t interested in calling people who can do what He asks, but those who are available and will “yes” no matter the cost. The old adage is that God doesn’t call the qualified, but rather He qualifies the called. God will always call you beyond what you’re qualified for and what you can do in the natural. Not so you can strive and perform and qualify yourself, but to make you seek the supernatural God. God doesn't call the qualified, but qualifies those He calls. Click To Tweet God gives you an impossible call because that’s what drives us to our knees. Our natural can never fulfill a supernatural call. Since it’s supernatural, it demands intervention and involvement of a supernatural God. Thankfully His Word says that nothing is impossible for Him! (Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37) He gives us an impossible call so that He can do the impossible on our behalf. God doesn’t call us because He needs a task to be done, but rather because He wants to...
Reading into 2018

Reading into 2018

I once heard that after their formal education and college years, the average adult does not pick up another book.  And if they do, it is just a fraction of that minority that actually finishes a book.  Mark Twain keenly noted, “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”  Elsewhere I heard Jim Rohn remark on stage that only three percent of adults in the U.S. own a library card.  A mere three percent!  Can you imagine?  Which is why I suppose the Christian real estate billionaire Peter J. Daniels observed, “Never before have the libraries of the world been so full, and never before have they been so empty.” 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.' - Mark Twain Click To Tweet The last verse of the Gospel of John (John 21:25) still leaves me flabbergasted, years after I first read it.  No doubt when my time on Earth comes to an end and my new life begins, you will find me perusing through God’s library (good thing I’ll have eternity to do it!)  In fact, I hope God’s current librarian plans on retiring when I get there, so I can fill those wings. I am a voracious reader.  I picked up the habit of reading books (cover to cover) in my early 20s, because I had many mentors encourage me to.  In reading I found even more mentors, and I expanded my awareness, thinking, and consciousness through swimming across a wide ocean of subjects – psychology, philosophy, personal and professional development, leadership,...
2017 Year in Review

2017 Year in Review

Wow, what a year! 2017 truly was a year of breakthrough for us individually and as a ministry. Definitely one of the most significant times for our young ministry. God really did what only He could do. Glory to God! These past twelve months we saw God open doors, bring increase, and take us deeper in His presence. It’s a joy to recap some of the highlights with you of what God has done… LEADERSHIP TEAM One of the biggest steps forward for us was officially establishing a leadership team. Every person on the team has been a big part of the ministry, but we decided to increase our level of commitment by serving in this capacity. It’s been a joy to see the team move and minister together as one. Who said ministry had to be boring or lonely? We really have a special group right here! Our heart so far has been to develop a Kingdom culture and to build covenant as a family. It definitely has shifted the atmosphere of the ministry and the fruit is evident in every time we get together. (Our team from left to right – Jay, Sam, Kevin, Josh, Danny, and Janet.) PARTNERSHIPS Our heart from the beginning has been to work in tandem with local churches and other ministries in the area. We believe wholeheartedly that revival will only come when ministries shift from competition to collaboration. Too often our focus has been in growing “my” ministry instead of reaching our community. Revival only happens in unity. This year has been no different for us as we have partnered with...
A Winter Musing

A Winter Musing

“In winter, are the trees bare? Yes. In winter, are the trees barren? No.” – Alicia Britt Chole This past Saturday I woke up in the middle of Upstate New York to a chilly 24 degrees. I had driven almost three hours to be there to minister at a young adult retreat. It had been a busy season of traveling and events. And it was already the last month of the year. Somehow December had snuck up on us. It didn’t feel like it at all, but it was on full display that day with frost all around. There was a heaviness in the frigid air and a dreariness that only winter brings. I have a love/hate relationship with winter. I love the holidays, but find the cold to be miserable. Snow can be enchanting, but who really enjoys shoveling? But that’s the thing about seasons. It always comes with both the negative and the positive. When it comes to the seasons of life, there is a positive to find even in winter seasons of the soul. Much of my journey the last few years has been learning to embrace the process. But recently God has been teaching me how to take the next step beyond embracing the process to actually enjoying it. Winter shows us that God isn’t in a hurry or ever in a rush to bring forth new life. In mercy He brings a divine slowness that saves us from our hectic busyness. He has a time and purpose in all that He does. So why not enjoy it? He brings a divine slowness that saves...
Beyond the Walls of Church

Beyond the Walls of Church

by Andrew Min The essential vice of man through history has been to please himself, to bring himself joy, to accomplish his own will, to receive his own glory. But when a person meets Jesus, everything changes; the Holy Spirit breathes a miracle into their soul, the curious reorientation of their entire life, turning it upside down. In the heart of a Christian, God plants a simple, small desire, a quiet Voice, that says, “I want to serve You, God. I want to do something meaningful for You. I want to do what makes my Father happy.” Your life is no longer about loving the things that that bring yourself pleasure, but to bring pleasure to the One you love. Surrender is no longer a reluctant yielding, but a joyful offering. It’s the upside down, backwards nature of true love, the beautiful foolishness of carrying the cross. It’s extraordinary. It’s silly. It’s divine. And the worldwide Kingdom revolution is going to begin with this holy desire. But I’m frustrated by the idolatry we practice as believers toward the position of pastor. I feel like a subtle lie persistently influences our church world, a thought that most of us would never explicitly agree with yet somehow continue to propagate: a person’s love for God is measured by their involvement in church. When you first start loving God, you become a greeter for Sunday service; and then when your love for God grows, you become a small group leader; and then if you’re really passionate about Jesus, you’ll be a volunteer staff to give announcements and plan events; and one day,...